You are currently viewing 5 reasons you should schedule a water tank cleaning

5 reasons you should schedule a water tank cleaning

  • Unclean water tanks act as breeding ground for bacteria:

They can act as a breeding ground for all kinds of bacteria, making your water tank’s environment susceptible to being contaminated. Moreover, dirt, mould and silt deposits tend to accumulate in your water tank, making the water unfit not only for consumption, but also for daily use.

  • Contaminated water can lead to water-borne diseases:

Contaminated water can lead to illnesses such as Diarrhoea, Cholera, Typhoid and Lead poisoning. The simple act of cleaning your water tank may assist in protecting your family from such water-borne diseases.

  • Water tanks can accumulate rust over time:

If you notice that the water running out of your taps has a brownish tinge, your water tank may have accumulated rust and you need to get it checked. Your water tank is also at risk of having pathogenic micro-organisms that may have gained access to your tank through a host. These hosts generally include insects, rodents and other aquatic organisms that may have entered your water tank due to insufficient covering.

  • Water filtration process may not be effective, if your tank is not clean:

‘‘I use a water filter and hence face no risk of facing water-related ailments” is a classic misconception that needs to change. Even the best of filters might not be able to protect you, if the source at which your water is stored is contaminated.

  • Helps reduce maintenance cost:

‘Maintenance is always better than cure’ is a common guideline in the handbook of any home-maintenance solutions provider and is a notion we strongly believe should apply to everyone who owns a water tank. If disease is not a good enough incentive to convince you to clean your water tank, we are hoping that the principles of economics will. Periodic maintenance of your water tank is much more cost-effective than expensive last-minute repair work. Regular upkeep of your water tank ensures that your water tank provides you with clean water at all times and is functioning at optimum levels.

To keep keep your Water Tank clean. Call +971 545887719 now to get the best water tank cleaning in UAE.